I *was* going to publish another post about the cruise today, but Knightly walked across the laptop when I was writing it, and erased most of that post. So, I decided to just do a little catch-up. now that I think (I hope!!) I've figured out the issues with my pictures on the blog, I wanted to post a few recent ones.
Meggy is growing so. Darn, Fast. I'll have a 2 year old in 15 days guys! I'm not old enough to be a mom to a 2 year old, and I KNOW Meggy is not old enough to be 2. It's just not possible!
*wink* |
As usual, Meggy has a big personality. Our personalities are starting to clash, now that she's starting to know her own mind, (foreshadowing her teen years. Help!) but she can also be the biggest sweetheart. She has such a huge heart - anytime Thomas or I hurt ourselves she's there willing to give us a kiss and a hug. When I was crying after having a rough day a few weeks ago, she came over and gave me a big hug. "Shhh, shhh Mama" she said after, rubbing my arm. While she might have had an alterior motive (She asked for juice the minute I stopped crying) it was the sweetest thing she could have done. Meggy also is a very good Mama to her stuffed animals and dolls. She loves being able to feed them whether she makes food at her little kitchen, or whether they are sharing her food.
Pushing Pizza (Meggy's doll) to the store on a very windy March day |
When Thomas and I got back from the cruise we were amazed at how much her vocabulary had grown in just 5 days away from us! Meggy's current favourite word is "Yook" as in "yook Mama, rock!" or "Yook Daddy, bear!" She also really enjoys identifying things like colors, shapes or sizes. "Blue sky!", "Dat's big" or "Yook Mama, star. Star!" Two-word sentences are being used accurately, and are very amusing to decifer. Poor Meggy does get frusterated when Thomas and I don't get things the first couple times, but she's patient with us, and is able to gesture and help us understand her most of the time. On the other side of the spectrum, she understands us almost 100%, but pretends not to be able to when it's to her advantage.
She picked this outfit all on her own. |
One of Meggy's favourite games of pretend is making and eating food. She will actually say "Eat. Eat food!" and we go over to a table where she will proceed to hand me imaginary food. The things she makes me eat the most are eggs and pie. I don't think she even knows what pie is, but she delights in giving me some, and watching me eat it. Tea is also a hot item at Meggy's resturant. It's in every pitcher and pot she has, as well as the pretend ones. At Meggy's restuant, slurping your drinks is not only considered polite, it is encouraged as that's the only way she knows for sure that you are enjoying your tea.
Enjoying a conversation about the cars passing us. |
My favourite thing about Meggy right now is that she's finally starting to understand about pictures! We borrowed my Dad's camera for the cruise, and Meggy was facinated by it when we came back. "Cheese Mama?" She'd say, and I would have to help her either by taking a picture of her, or by helping her take a picture of me.
Lots of Mama-Meggy pictures lately, and I love it!!! |
This kid is awesome, and I love her. Even though we're getting into the terrible 2s, at the end of the day I look at pictures of her smile, and it makes my mama-heart happy.
Let's not forget our favourite guy. Meggy still has him wrapped around her little finger, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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