Big Sister, Little...

Sister!! It's a girl!

And because Thomas and the kitties need in on the fun...

We are SO excited to be having another girl. I had thought this one would be a girl, and when Thomas scanned me at work around 14wks, we had suspected that we had a little girl in there. Well, two weeks ago we got it confirmed at my 20wk anatomy scan! We surprised a lot of people, and broke the pattern Thomas's brothers had started of girl, boy, girl, but that's ok. Especially for Thomas, I think he's delighted to be surrounded by his girls.

To celebrate (and also because it was restaurant week in Charlottesville) we went out last week not once, but TWO times! Not something we do ever, but it was restaurant week. That's when a lot of the nicer, or more exclusive restaurants in town have a pix fix menu at discounted prices. It happens twice a year, and Thomas and I usually save up for one really fancy place, where we wouldn't otherwise be able to go.

This was the first year we took Meggy out with us - she didn't really care about the food, but it was so much fun having her there with us. She knew it was pretty special to be out with Mommy and Daddy. Also she told me she had to use the potty while we were there, and kept her pull-up dry, so there were celebrations all around. That meant cheesecake for dessert.

Thomas and I also went to this exclusive little french restaurant we've always wanted to try. (thanks Rachel for babysitting!) It was delicious - all the food was so fresh and innovative without being too wild. Our waiter was just the right touch of information and conversation without being too overbearing, and we got to eavesdrop on a French couple right next to us! Well, for Thomas it was eavesdropping. For me it was just grasping the French words I knew. Unfortunately, neither one of them started singing Frere Jacques, which is about the extent of my French.

Yummy mocktails!

Big Sister Meggy has been taking her roll pretty seriously already. If she notices that she's eating and I'm not, she'll remind me I need to be eating. If I tell her I'm not hungry, she'll say "But Mommy, is da baby sooo hungry?!"

When we went to the beach last week, she made me rub sunblock on my belly, just in case. (lot of good it did me - my belly stayed covered and white. My shoulders burned like crazy.)

Dancing on her sand castle.

Busy bee in the water!

"Oh Mommy, I just love my watermelon outfit. It's so pink and black-y and yummy! But you can't eat it, because it's clothes. And clothes are yucky to eat."

Have I mentioned that it's hot? Because it's hot. In the 90's last week, and this upcoming week as well. We try to get any errands done in the morning, then come back home and collapse with a fruit pop and Mr. Rodgers. Meggy is sneaky and usually ends up getting a leg and foot massage. Sometimes I really wish I was the three year old, and not the pregnant one.

That's all our news for this time! But because I'm such a nice person, I'm going to leave you with this lovely photo:


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