Sometimes #2

I watch guilty pleasures like Once Upon a Time. Modern Family. Ok... How I Met Your Mother. 

I'm glad it's cold outside because I'm glad it's NOT! I am SO happy that it's getting warmer!

I wish I could just pay someone good money to Help me not be so emotional. 

I love discovering unexpected movie gems like Silly little things my husband finds on Netflix, and the library. The movie itself may not be good, but he feels so proud of himself for finding it, and I can't help but love him for it. 

I feel like a 5-year old when I talk about Disney things, and how much I love anything Disney.

I feel like it's one of the world's great injustices when I plan for a good day, and it ends up in disaster. 

I write a blog post and realize that I sound so negative. *sigh*

I feel inspired to be a better person when I realize that something that I have done actually is effecting someone in a positive way. 


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