I'm back at Panera

Thomas' car is in the shop. Again. And so here I am at Panera Bread, using their internet, and not feeling hungry enough to use my free smoothie card. There's a little old man wandering around cleaning tables, and chatting with those who sit at them. He keeps eyeing my table and looking at my headphones. I can just hear him thinking "Oh kids these days. When will they unplug themselves and connect with the real world?"

He has a point. Except that I don't want to connect with the real world. This point was just proven by a very odd man coming over and inspecting the table next to mine, and then leaving. Why would I want to acknowledge that? No "real world" for me right now, sorry old man.

So, it's been absolutely beautiful here lately. Well, as beautiful as it can get in this area of Maryland. There are trees budding however, and there are pretty flowers in the areas where there isn't any asphalt. The weather is warm (except for today) and pretty, and I haven't had to wear a heavy coat, or shiver my way through the day. Well. Except for now, because Panera keeps their place pretty cold. Especially in the back corner. But, you know, for the most part, it's been wonderful.

Thomas and I wrote our grocery list out on the balcony on Monday, and we let Johnny come out. I didn't think he'd want to come, because he's terrified of the outside, but apparently I was mistaken. He came out and started exploring. Suddenly, I guess he heard something out on the front steps, and he rushed over and poked his head out between the balcony bars. Mind you, we live on on the 3rd floor, and my cat was practically hanging over the balcony. I sort of freaked out, and Johnny was banished into the inside. He wasn't happy, but we got our grocery list written out on the balcony, and my cat did not fall off of it.

We visited family over the weekend. It was rushed (as it seems to always be) but it was good to see everyone. I'm not too happy with coming back and starting life back up. Work is long, and tiring, and hurts my back. I get my second full-time paycheck tomorrow though, so that will be nice. I just have to keep reminding myself that its only for a little while. A year from now, it will (probably) be history. Thomas is doing really well in school, but it's stressing him out beyond belief. We're both waiting for August (aka, graduation month) to come as fast as it can!

Time to head out. I think 3 hours is a little long to stay inside a 'quick-service' food place, after buying one bagel. I don't think it'd be very polite to get out my packed lunch and eat it at this table. I'll go do that at Target. :)


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