Wren 2020 interview



Wrenny, Wrenny-boo-boo, Caf-win 

How old are you?
What is your favourite color?
What is your favourite animal?
A Unicorn
 What is your favourite book?
A princess butterfly book. And Anna and Elsa Christmas book!
What is your favourite TV show?
What is your favourite movie?
Scrinch! (I think she means Lilo and Stitch, which is a big surprise. She's been on a Frozen/Zombies spree lately)
What is your favourite song?
Anything from Zombies and Decendants
What is your favourite drink?
Lemonade and also milk, cuz I love strawberry milk - straw milk is on my team now - not pretend milk!
What is your favourite snack?
Gummy bears
What is your favourite dessert?
(Speaking as her unicorn) She likes... Ice cweam! 
To her unicorn: "You got it girl!"
What is your favourite dinner?
Chicken nuggets and also french fries! 
What is your favourite outfit?
My pink dress! With bracelets and rings and my pink and white leggings.
What is your favourite game?
A race car! (Me "like on the xbox?") yes!
What is your favourite toy?
Dose toys over dere (me: "the princess toys and scrump?') yeah, because I love scrump  I love her all the time, scrumpy scrumpy scrumpy!
What is your favourite thing to do?
Play wif ALL da toys!
Who is your best friend?
Kora and also Minerva. 
What is your favourite thing to do outside?
Um, play and jump and run and play in da grass! And also have snow! 
What is your favourite Holiday?
Halloween! Christmas ! My birthday!
What do you like to take with you to bed at night?
Scrump! And my water. 
Where is your favourite place to go?
What is your favourite restaurant? 
Chicken Nuggets! (Meggy "chick fil a has chicken niggets, you can say that) Chickelay chickelay flikeay chickelayyyyy!
Where do you like to go on vacation?
Ummmm, go to Disneyworld. Dat's fun  And also NYC. and also Paris! 
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A kitty cat? Dog? Play wif a racecar!
What did you do on your birthday?
Eat cake!
Is that everything you want to say?


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