As I said in the post before, I've not been very good at keeping up with our blog. Summer is here, and we have been enjoying the lovely weather, living so close to family, and just trying to keep up with life!
Thomas is still enjoying his job and work. He has been on call a LOT, especially at the end of May/beginning of June. It's starting to taper off now which is a good thing because he was asked to be a Boy Scout leader! He is very excited about this new calling (it's through our church) but a little trepidatious about the responsibilities it entails. I'm so proud of him, and know he'll do a great job.
One of Meggy's favourite things to do with her Daddy. "Ready, set, RUN!" |
I celebrated my 24th birthday on the 7th. The Vance's and my sisters came over to celebrate with us, and I busted out all my favourite Trader Joe's appitizers for dinner. I feel very old, but I think that has more to do with my two year old, than my own age. I am very blessed, and this year has already been a great one.
For my birthday, Thomas took me to Cheesecake factory! |
Now for the important stuff - Meggy!
Meggy is now 2 going on 14. She's almost speaking in sentences, and she always knows what she wants, when she wants it. "Please" is one of her most often used words. She's starting to say 'thank you."
Now that she's two, Meggy knows the difference between her and babies. Babies are cute, but Meggy is fun. Babies get hugs, but Meggy likes to be tickled. Babies cry, but Meggy doesn't ever cry. (I have no idea where she got that one from, because one of the things she'll tell me when she's sad is "I'm cryin' Mommy!") Meggy is still nursing in the mornings and evening, and it's one of her favourite parts of getting ready for bed. She calls it 'side' and will come up to me with a big grin on her face in the morning. "Side Mommy? Siiiiiiiide?!"
She loves her Mommy! |
Sunday cuddles |
Margaret loves to play and use her imagination. She builds towers with her blocks, colors animals with her crayons, and likes to make forts and tents with her blankets and pillows. Her stuffed animals are her best friends, and she's always having them dance together, or makes tea parties. One thing Meggy has discovered she really likes is painting. We painted this bird house a few weeks ago, and she was in HEAVEN, making stripes, circles, mixing paints together, and telling me where I needed to paint. The funny thing is that she hates to be messy. As soon as she gets a drop of paint on herself, she freakes out and Mommy has to come to the rescue to wipe it off.
painting the bird house. |
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Playing with her bears in Mister Shark. |
It's a Meggy bug! |
We've been taking lots of walks lately. I try to point out things like leaves and butterflies, and Meggy picks up sticks and flowers. She is a sweetheart and always gets at least two flowers - one for me and one for her. When Thomas comes along, they run together. If it's just me, she will dance from one side of the path to the other. Meggy is always, always moving. Dancing is one of her favourite things to do after naps. I turn on music and she twirls and glides and throws herself down to the ground. Aunt Rebecca commented that she's going to college to learn exactly what Meggy is doing from instinct.
Meggy has had a LOT of fun with her aunties now that they're out of school. Beka and Rachel came over to go swimming last week, and everyone had a lot of fun.
Walking to the pool. |
Riding in Mister Shark. |
On the flip side, Meggy has become VERY affecionate. She told me "Mommy, I luf you" for the first time three weeks ago. I (of course) cried when she said it, and now she says it often, usually accompanied by hugs and kisses. When I do something she wants or likes she'll tell me "Tank Mom - you best eber!"
That was our spring! Now we're in summer, and it's turning out to be super-fun with going to the pool, going to the lake, and spending lots of time with family and friends. Stay tuned!
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