Hello all, I've been rather MIA the past month (or longer...) and I'm hoping to start back up again. We haven't been too busy, but we have been spending a lot of time out-of-doors because - Summer!! Also we've had friends come and visit us, and we've gone to visit friends a lot. I'm actually typing this in Radford, as Thomas, Meggy and I are visiting the Davis's this weekend.
We've had a lot of fun, but I thought I'd make this blog post about a not-so-fun week. My Grandpa passed away at the end of April, and his memorial service was held on May 19th. I flew out with my Mom and Rachel to Denver, while Thomas stayed back in C'ville. The Davis's were very generous, and took in Meggy for that week. (She had an absolute blast, swimming and painting and playing with doggies. I don't think she missed us at all)
Trying to keep positive attitudes on our flight out! |
Cute Rachel with a cute Stitch. |
Winky-cow and Stitch watching us fly over...some state. I don't remember which one this was. |
We flew out on a Saturday, from Dulles into Denver. We arrived in Denver in time to see the sunset, and drove out to my Aunt Ann's house. It was so good to see her! The last time I had seen her was for a few house in October, 2013. She and Uncle Jurgen have such a cute house. Their cats were very friendly with Rachel, and Sadie the golden retreiver was happy to get some lovin' from new people.
The beautiful sunset. |
Sunday we went to the Cherry Creek Presbyterian church, where my cousin Chris is the youth and family pastor. We were able to see a glimpse of him and his family before they were off to get shots for thier upcming trip to Africa! After church, Ann and Jurgen took us by Chris' house. Chris and Wendy have three beautiful little girls, Addie and Greta who are 10, and Clara Jane who is 6. (7? yikes, I can't remember!) Clara Jane is handicapped, and has a way-cool wheelchair. Because of that, Chris and Wendy have been on the search for a house for their family, for quite some time. They bought this house a while ago, and have been making it wheelchair accessible for Clara, and took the time to make the house more friendly for their particular needs. I especially LOVED their kitchen. It's all Ikea, and totally gorgous!
Chris and Wendy's BEAUTIFUL kitchen! |
Outside the kitchen, on the deck. |
Ann, Mom and I took a walk around thier neighborhood after lunch. It was fun seeing all the plants native to the area, and lots of bunny rabbits!
Walking around Aunt Ann's neighborhood. |
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There's one of those western bunnies! |
Sunday afternoon we drive though the Mountians to Grand Junction. Mom threatened to have me drive some of the way, but I'm glad she didn't follow though! I'm used to the twisty-windy roads of the east, not the large, scary roads of the west! We stopped at a rest stop I remembered from back when I was 10. Of course we had to take pictures of the snow we found at the end of May!
Beautiful Mountians |
Driving into the snow. |
In case of icy conditions - jazz hands! |
On the other side of the mountians - Spring! also the reflection of my knee. |
In Grand Junction, Rachel and I were able to stay at the house of a friend of Grandma's, who were out of town. That whole week was a blur, but I'll try to hit on the highlights.
This was our first time meeting our new cousin, Miss Violet! She was 5 months old, and everyone fell in love with her, especially her Grammie. I would like to point out that I was able to get her to sleep almost every time I held her. Poor Casandra was having a hard time with getting Violet to sleep (Babies+time change=tough on everyone!) but Aunty Sarah came to the rescue! We went on walks, walked a lot, and sang songs. Good bonding times.
First time getting her to sleep. |
Sleeping on Sherry's lap. Don't let this peaceful look fool you - she was asleep for 8 minutes. |
"Oh hey there Aunty Sarah" |
Usually going on a walk would work. Not this day. |
Home and still awake! |
Hanging out with Aunty Beka |
Okay, so I wasn't the ONLY one to get her to sleep. |
Many people in the family talked at Grandpa's memorial service. Rebecca was still in Israel, but Rachel gave a wonderful speech from the three of us. Dad's talk was about life lessons he had learned from Grandpa - it was both funny and bittersweet. Cassandra sang "I Can Only Imagine". There were many people there, including my Aunt Pat and Uncle Cliff. Mom and I sat with them afterwards, and got caught up on that side of the family.
We cousins were able to hang out, which was fun. Skylar is 16 now, and the 5 of us are on more even ground than we were when I was 16 and Sky was 6. We were able to hang out, and laugh and talk. I I think it was good for Grandma and our parents to see how the next generation is emerging.
Cousins, then and now. |
Colorado is a beautiful state, and I am glad for the opportunity to go out there one more time. I found myself wishing that I could have shared some of my experiences with Thomas and Meggy, but it was good for me to just go by myself and be able to serve my family. I ended up with a really bad skin infection which sadly clouded some of what could have been better memories, but all in all, it was a good trip. Dad stayed out there with Grandma, and will be spending the rest of the summer with her, coming back home in August.
The Mesa, with a storm coming in. |
Watvhing the tumbleweeds while waiting for Beka's plane to land. |
Birthday dinner for Grandma, Rebecca and Rachel. |
The front step at my Grandparent's house. |
Our drive back to Denver was just as beautiful as our drive the week before. We stopped in a Whole Foods for dinner on the way home and all three of us agreed that while Colorado is beautiful, nothing can beat the quiet beauty of the Smokey Ridge. It was a loooong flight home, where my wonderful husband came and picked us up. I drove down to Radford the next day to get Meggy, who was delighted to see me.
Stitch enjoying the Colorado River. |
Yet another rain storm rolling in. |
And that's how our Summer got a kick-start.
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