Two Year Old Meggy
I was doing so well with the whole blogging thing for a while, and then I wasn't. Life, huh?
So I am now almost three weeks behind in this post, but guess what? Meggy turned two last month! I now officially have a two year old, even though she's been acting like one for the past 5 months.
Two year old Meggy is very curious about things. She is always asking "Wazzat?" then actually listens to us explain. Usually our explination is followed by "Ohh, awwwwite" in that sigh that only toddlers have mastered.
Meggys vocabulary is pretty extensive. Not to brag or anything, but we've had several people remark how well she speaks for her age. Speaking with her every day, it's not really something I notice, but its nice to know we have a child who knows what to say. I think she says a new word (or three) every day! It's always fun when Thomas and I compare notes at the end of the day and tell each other things like "Meggys said 'thank you' today, not just 'tak'" or "Did you know she knows how to say 'garage'? How does she know that word?" What is even MORE fun, is figuring out where she hears certian words. Thankfully we haven't heard any bad ones yet, but she'll say things like "pretty please", which is not something I hear that often, so I'm not sure where she got it from. That one is pretty cute though, so I'm not complaining. The past couple of days, she's started telling me that I'm cute. I'm LOVING that!
We have noticed a little more of an attitude in the past couple months. Meggy is testing the waters, wondering how far we'll follow though when she doesn't want to do something we've asked her to do. One of her favourites is not keeping her hands on the car when I'm loading groceries. I think all our reinforcement is starting to pay off. Although she's not perfect, Meggy has gotten better about following directions. It's been a learning curve for me as well! For some reason, I thought Meggy would be more like me, following directions first, and then asking questions. No such luck. She is MUCH more like her Daddy, questioning why she has to do things, especially things that I could do perfectly well myself, like picking up food that she's spilled. I've learned to be better about controlling my temper; as long as I'm calm and happy, 90% of the time Meggy will happily go along with what I've asked her to do. If I get mad, and visibly upset? Then she will dig in her heels as far as she can, and would rather spend an 30 minutes screaming in time-out than come and tell me she's sorry, or pick up her mess. Nope, still not stubborn at all, ;)
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She was super happy wearing her tutu, then Mama had to go and ruin it by making her wear a shirt. Life is super unfair. |
Thomas and Meggy have an awesome relationship. I am so grateful for the love that they have for each other. The best part of our day is when Thomascomes home and changes out of work clothes so he can play with Meggy. She loves to say "I get-chu!!" then chase him around the house. Nothing excites Meggy more than to say "Room daddy? Room?!" because she knows they will spend the hour or so before dinner making forts, playing with stuffed animals, and having so much fun. Now that our complex's pool is open, Thomas also likes to take her down to play in the pool for an hour or so. Sometimes I get included on their adventures, but I'm happy that they spend that time together... and that it gives me a free hour to get dinner ready!
It's been pretty fun to have a two year old around. I love having little conversations with her, and going on "abenshurs!" together. I can't wait to see where this next year takes Margaret, and to watch our little baby grow into a beautiful little girl.
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