Spring is almost here!

 Today was a good day.

 Well, work was boring and monotonous (now I can add "can stand in one place for 4+ hours" to my resume) but the rest of the day was good!

 Thomas left early this morning, as did I, which meant that I was out of work by 4pm. Woohoo! We were supposed to go to the gym right after I got off, but the day was SO beautiful, we decided to walk around the park instead.

 And I just realized that I left the camera in the car.

 However, when I manage to get the pictures up, you will see that we took lots of pictures of ducks. I have never seen ducks as friendly as these! They were also happy about the glorious weather,  and were basking in the sun, and chasing each other around. Thomas and I were even witness to a duck fight! Have you ever seen one of those? It mainly involves a lot of splashing and quacking. The best part was at the end, when one duck had driven the other one off - the victorious duck swam back to his wife, but she didn't seem to want to be with him after that. Apparently she wasn't happy about his actions. :)

Now I"m home, while Thomas is out playing basketball. I'm FINALLY henna-ing my hair, so it won't look all gross and blond-rootish. I don't mind the blonde itself, I just think it looks so sloppy when I let it grow out so long. I had a good inch plus of blonde hair. It's getting long again. Thomas likes it. I do too, I just don't like having it up at work; it gives me a headache. Thankfully I don't have to have it up, and most of the women just wear headbands, but I don't like it getting in the way when I'm looking down to work, which I do often. I am getting pretty creative with french braids, and that accomplishes two purposes - a) to keep the hair out of my face WITHOUT getting a headache, and b) to keep receiving compliments on how talented I am. :) Seriously though, it is funny how many people compliment me on a simple braid.
 I need to get a trim. I'm getting split ends, and that's rather nasty. Hopefully the henna treatment will hold it a bit longer. I want to grow it out again, to the length it was when Thomas met me. I remember it being a total pain - but it was SO pretty! See?

Ahh, the good old days. Back when I was happy and carefree.

 But I digress.

 Today was a good day. I planned what I'm going to do with my Smash book when I get it next month. I'm excited. We just got them in at Hobby Lobby. A year behind the fad, but that's ok. It means that I had lots of blogs to show Thomas to convince him that yes, I really truly need a Smash book.

 (In case you don't know what a Smash book is, here's a video to explain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmaWY7Wk0qA&feature=player_embedded.)

I think that's it. I've finished Downton Abbey, and now having nothing to do with my life until Bones returns. Thomas and I are watching Smash, but I'm not quite as involved in the story. I think it's because they are all drama queens. Or just plain queens. That's Broadway for you! ;)

 Ta-ta for now! I have to go get the laundry out of the dryer, before Thomas gets home. I was supposed to get it an hour ago. Oops. Thank goodness we're the only ones who do laundry at night in this complex.


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