Meggy 2020 Interview



Meggy, and Margaret. And I guess Vance counts too?

How old are you?
Seven and a half! Almost eight.
What is your favourite color?
Rainbow with gold clouds
What is your favourite animal?
All the animals! I could have said cat or poodle, but I love animals. 
 What is your favourite book?
To read? Hm, I don't know any! Zombilina?
What is your favourite TV show?
The Rapunzel one!
What is your favourite movie?
I don't have that many favorites, lemme think... OH! Remember the one with all the Disney characters in the big castle room? That one! (me "House of Mouse?") Remember Mickey, the one that we don't have? That one.
What is your favourite song?
My made-up songs. And I guess what's on my playlist too. 
What is your favourite drink?
Milkshake and white hot chocolate. 
What is your favourite snack?
Snnnnack. ooh! The mini cheese cracker things. the sour ones? (me: "cheeze-its?') yeah!
What is your favourite dessert?
That is SUPER hard! Hmmm. Oh the chocolate circles. (me: "Lindt truffles?") yeah, I think! I like the caramel ones best.
What is your favourite dinner?
What's dinner, I forgot? (me: "The last meal of the day.") Um, soup! 
What is your favourite outfit?
That's hard. What I'm wearing right now. I like this shirt, and the pants are cozy, so I like them. (me: "do you like most of the outfits you wear?") Yeah. And my unicorn socks.
What is your favourite game?
Color Blind!
What is your favourite toy?
Pooh and Udi my unicorn.
What is your favourite thing to do?
Art, crafts and stuff.
Who is your best friend?
Ilinana, and Nigel and their sisters and Wren. 
What is your favourite thing to do outside?
Jump in the leaves, rake, jump rope, and play with the wagon. Really, all the things I do outside!
What is your favourite Holiday?
MY birthday, Halloween Christmas, Mothers/Father day and Valentine's Day. 
What do you like to take with you to bed at night?
Pooh! And my unicorn and my water. 
Where is your favourite place to go?
Disney World, London, Paris, Germany and America. That's a lot of places.
What is your favourite restaurant? 
Disney restaurants, so then I can see Disney characters!
Where do you like to go on vacation?
Where it snows, and the beach.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Do scientist-y stuff, and learn new things!
What did you do on your birthday?
Had an awesome great time!
Is that everything you want to say?
Hmm, I want to, but I can't think of anything! Hm. I think I want to think of something but I can't. Oh well. 


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