
My poor little one had been having an awful time this week, because she is finally starting to grow some teeth! And since she's almost 13 months, her teeth have realized that they're a little late to the game and are all coming in at once. At last count, she had five teeth all trying to grow in her little mouth, two on top and three on the bottom.

I've had epeople tell me that the longer they wait to come in, the healthier they are. I don't know how true that is, but let me tell you, these teeth had better be GOLD for the next 5-7 years! Poor Margaret has been in SO. MUCH. PAIN.

It doesn't help that we've been away from home since Sunday. We're at my parents until tomorrow, and then we're heading to PA for a family reunion. Both my sisters have been a huge help in keeping Meggy entertained, and Mom has been giving lots of good suggestions for helping with the teething; but in the end, I think it was Thomas coming in last night that helped the most. Meggy is definitely her daddy's girl, and mama just wasn't cutting it on her own. 

After almost two days of screaming, Meggy seemed to be doing a lot better this morning. She's been able to sleep a lot in the past few days, which is such a good thing. In her normal routine, she only gets about 2 hours of sleep during the day, but she's been averaging 5 while we've been here, and I hope is helping. 

Ever since Margaret was about 6 months, I've been dreading the teeth coming in. Ever since she passed 11months without teeth, I've been cringing, waiting for the inevitable. Well, it's happened, and I honestly don't know who is more unhappy about it, Meggy or myself! (Probably Meggy. I just like feeling sorry for myself) The kid won't take teethers, even though I bought her more yesterday. She liked pickles last week, but this week she refused to take them. I had her gnawing on carrots yesterday, but she only took them because they were on my lunch plate, and I was eating them. I tried giving her frozen sherbet, thinking the cold would help, but she spit that out. All she wants to do is nurse, and chew on her fingers. Nursing is fine - she chomped down once, but I think my shocked screaming in her ear stopped that from happening again. I feel bad for her fingers though she keeps chomping on them crying, and putting 'em right back in her mouth! She spits out any meds I've tried to give her, as well as the cough syrup I tried to give her because of a super-awful cough the past few days. 

Well, we've reached another milestone. I can't say I really like this one. Eating solids and watching her learn to crawl we're SO much more fun than this one! Oh well. Not everything in life is rosy, I guess. 

Taking a nap in between screams. 


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