Third Trimester

I'm at about 36 weeks now - not long to go thank goodness! The little one is still measuring a week behind however, and believe me, I am ok with that. At this point I have mixed feelings about things - as much as I'm so done being pregnant, I'd like the baby to stay put for a little bit, while we get things settled around here.

This trimester has been a bit of a fuzzy one as well. The beginning was difficult while I was working, and gaining weight, and still lifting and bending and doing all sorts of things that both my husband and coworkers would yell at me for doing. But honestly, when you ASK people to move the box (three different people) and it doesn't get done after half a shift, wouldn't YOU want to do things yourself?! Thomas was very very sweet, and quit his gym membership to get me a membership to Massage Envy, which has been really helpful with my back. I have back problems normally, and this whole pregnant things hasn't helped! Thankfully, when I finally quit, I was able to rest for a whole week in FL, (minus a few days at WDW, where I almost killed myself) and I've been doing much better ever since then.

The good things? I'm feeling our little bundle of joy quite a lot! She's very very active, kicking, and bumbling around. She gets the hiccups quite a lot lately, and I'm fairly positive she must be big enough that she's stuck in the same place, since I always feel the hiccups on my lower left side. The nice (and rather sweet) thing, is that whenever she gets too bouncy in there, Thomas puts his hand on my tummy, and she calms down. I feel bad that he doesn't get to feel her as much, but I hope that his touch calms her down just as much after she's born!

I feel huge, but everyone keeps telling me that I'm still rather little. Thomas and I were at Passover dinner at Mom and Dad's last week, and there was a family there with two little kids. The little girl was about 3 years old, and we had a lovely conversation over matza ball soup about pink, and purple, and pretty dresses. As we were finishing, her mom leaned over to her and said "Did you know she has a baby in her tummy?" The little girl looked skeptical, and wanted to know where I was hiding this baby. I pushed my chair back from the table, and showed her my belly. She got this big grin on her face and said "Oh, that's just like my friend Tina's mommy, only her belly is HUGE!!" Both her mom and I started laughing, but her mom admitted that it was true. I told her that I'd probably look like Tina's mommy after my next baby :)

I've been trying to eat more low-carb foods, and keep my blood sugar down. I've gotten better at it, but by golly, I get hungry very fast. And I miss potatoes. And sometimes I look at my husband and see a lovely croissant where his face should be; but other than that, cottage cheese pancakes, and mashed cauliflower is my life lately! I'll be very happy when the baby is out to try one of the Krispy Kreme donuts that Thomas keeps threatening to get from the next town over. I've told him that's going to be my reward after the baby comes - some women like jewelry, some are just happy they've finally given birth, but I want a donut by golly!!

I'm liking my new doctors! The doctor in MD was sad to see us go, but I wasn't really sad to say goodbye. He was nice and all, but very busy, and had a different med student with him every time I went in. The practice I'm at now has three rotating doctors (and two nurses, but I'm so late in the pregnancy, I'm not seeing them) of which I've met two. Both have been very nice, and when I went in today, I was informed that the doctor I was seeing had a med student shadowing him for the day, did I mind if she (and I was reassured it was a she) came into the room with him?
I was so delighted at even being asked, I was a bit disappointed when the doctor came in by himself.
The other absolutely lovely thing about this practice is that their building is literally across the road from the hospital! And when we move into our new house, they both will be ten minutes away from where we live! It only takes 15ish minutes now, a fact I found out today when I THOUGHT I had an appointment at three, and looked down at my iPad at 12:40, discovering it was actually at one.

Last but not least, I'm having a lovely time relaxing now. It's a bit annoying not to be in a house where I could do things, like decorate or annoy my husband by rearranging the furniture every day. However, I've been catching up on Doctor Who, and Friends. I've also been cooking (not as many yummy things as I'd like, due to the low carb thing) and figuring out my way around town. Thanks to the handy dandy GPS, I've been able to drive around and find important things like the library, the 'best' grocery stores, and Sweet Frog. :)

I'm going to go and take a nap now. I haven't been able to sleep very well at night; mornings and naps are my best sleeping time. Ta.


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