New Year Goals

 (because 'resolutions' don't sound very flexible):

1) More structured learning time for Meggy, mainly for my sanity and so we don't go wasting away the day.  This will be a lot of learning through play. We purchased a few things from the company Melissa and Doug when they had a sale on Amazon, and I'm excited to start using them with Meggy. I'm also hoping to incorporate more reading into our day. Meggy doesn't love books; she gets bored with them easily, and so I don't always enjoy reading them aloud to her - I like to be appreciated!! However reading is so important, and I'm going to start thinking of 'themes' for our months. Perhaps reading books incorporating themes in which Meggy is interested will keep her attention? One can only hope. I'm also hoping to start doing a little scripture study with her - but we'll see how that goes. I've tried it twice before with not a lot of success. Lastly, we will be introducing letters+numbers. She's still a little young to do a whole lot with letters and numbers, but she's been very interested in writing lately, so I'm going to try and take advantage of that. If it proves too advanced for her, we will just keep up with reading, and talking about pictures. Or watching this cutie sleep. We do a lot of that too.

2) Working on my mental health. The past two years have been difficult for me, and I'm finally taking steps to make sure I can be the best me. The weeks leading up to Wren's birth were especially hard, and I had a very frank discussion with my OB-GYN about how I was feeling. Now with a combination of supplements, councling and a few other things, I'm working towards becoming less anxious, not putting too much pressure or stress on myself, and healthy give-and-take relationships with those around me. It's going to take a lot of work, and it feels pretty selfish sometimes, but it is so very necessary. When I fall apart, my family starts to fall apart, and I don't want that.

3) Nutrition. Between being pregnant, having a baby and the holidays, we've just been doing whatever is most convenient - and usually that's expensive and not very healthy. It was necessary for everyone's sanity for the past few months, but now I'm ready to work to keep us healthy. (And stop listening to my husband complain about the extra 10lbs he's gained in the past year) Last year I had a great meal plan going, and I was working to save our family money, while eating healthier. I'm ready to implement that again - we are all so much happier when we're putting good stuff into our bodies!
Thomas is also going to start going to the gym, he's really upset about those couple extra pounds. Once I get the okay from my OB-GYN, I want to start taking walks around our neighborhood - weather permitting. Honestly, it probably won't happen on a regular basis until April, because I don't want to take Wren out in the cold. However, Meggy and I need to start having dance parties again! We did a lot of those during the hot summer, and I'm ready to dance our way through the cold winter as well.

4) This last goal isn't nearly as important as the other ones, but I really want to become more organized, and decorate our home. We still have a lot of blank walls, and stuff just strewn about, because there's no place to put it. Unfortunately, this often means spending money, something we don't have a lot of around here. I'm working really hard to find examples of how I want our home to look, and methods of organization, so that when we have a little extra $$, I'll know exactly how I want to use it, and hopefully none will go to waste.

So there you have it, my 4 goals for 2017. All of these are things I've been thinking about for a while, and am hoping to implement fully in our(my) lives, to make a better, stronger, happier family.


  1. Goals are good as long as you don't stress over not getting as far along with them as you would like. Taking care of yourself is most important - as you have discovered when you are not doing well, neither will your family. Motherhood is not easy but sounds like you are trying to do all the right things


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