Disney World 2015, post 1

Last week we went to Disney World, and had an absolute BLAST! Mom and Rachel went with us, and Rebecca is working in Disney this semester, and it was so much fun to have (almost) everyone together.

This first set of photos are the best ones I took from my phone. Friday, Mom and I drove down to South Carolina, where we stayed the night. The next day we drove to Orlando, where we got our annual passes first thing!

After saving up for a year, I now have a year pass to Disney!

We had dinner in Epcot, with the fishes. Meggy was extremely excited to see Nemo, and we kept "finding" him over the next 7 days.

On the way home from Epcot. It had been a long day for her.

 The resort at which we stayed was wonderful. Beautiful artwork everywhere, and each section was themed very well. We stayed in the "Cars" section, and were greeted by a Route 66 motif every time we stepped out of our room.

On our way to church, Sunday morning.

Monday morning we were all up bright and early, so as to go to our reservations at Be Our Guest! These are VERY hard to get (especially for breakfast) but Thomas had diligently checked every day for a month, and found early reservations for us! We were some of the first people in the park! 

 Breakfast was very french, and very yummy, but someone was chomping at the bit to go out and play! I'll give you a hint - that someone is looking out the door in the above picture.

I didn't get a picture of the first few rides (Winnie the Pooh, and riding on the steam train) but I pulled out the camera for Dumbo! Meggy LOVED it, and Aunty Rachel let her drive. After Meggy had a taste of flying, there was no going back.

Can you see the little blonde head?

This is on Astro Orbiter, which is a flying ride on top of the people mover. Not only is it faster than Dumbo, but it goes a lot higher. Those are tops of trees we are flying over. Meggy loved it, and asked "Again Mommy?!" as soon as we got off. 

Going home at the end of the first day. She was exhausted, but still having a lot of fun. I think she had just as much fun on the bus/tram/monorails as she did on actual park rides!

Our second day was pretty rainy. We went to Hollywood Studios, where they're doing a lot of construction right now. Eventually that construction will turn into Star Wars and Toy Story attractions, but for the moment, it just means there isn't much to this park.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake at 50's Prime Time Cafe. We got served by our "babysitter" Who had to keep telling Mom to get her elbows off the table. Rachel and I got a laugh every time we heard her say "Elbows off the table!", as Mom spent pretty much our entire childhood telling us that.

After lunch, Mom Meggy and I went off to meet some characters, while Rachel and Thomas went on Star Tours. Of course, on the way over Meggy had to stomp in some puddles. It's good to be a two-year old in Disney World.

That afternoon Mom and Rachel headed off to Epcot for their dinner in England. Thomas, Meggy and I went to Disney Springs (On the day it's name was officially changed from Downtown Disney to Disney Springs), where we all got treats. Meggy picked out this lollipop all on her own, and showed it to every single person we passed that night.

The silly mirror we looked at while Thomas got his treat.

They make you pay for the small carousel downtown, but how could I refuse that face?!

Playing with the dolls while Thomas ran around looking for something. We found a corner of the toy store empty, and let Meggy play to her heart's content. I love that we can do that with her, and then she'll put all the toys away, with no begging to take them with her. We have such a great kid.

"Look Mama, a tea!"

Wednesday morning we had breakfast at an African restaurant. Meggy was not impressed by the authentic goat cheese and quinoia, but she did love the bacon. She also loved the carved wooden animals on the way to the bathroom, and asked for a few more diaper changes than she actually needed, just so she could go and look at them.

At Disney's Animal Kingdom. It's not my favourite park, but the details were pretty neat. Love this 'Indian' looking bridge.

Thomas survived Disney's biggest roller coaster, Expedition Everest! Well, barely survived, but he did it!

Meggy and I only lasted a few hours at Animal Kingdom. It was hot, and we were tired. I decided to go back to the resort early, and Meggy fell asleep about 5 minutes after we left everyone else. Thankfully I had a nice family help me with the stroller onto and off the bus because someone decided to sleep though the whole thing.

She slept the entire ride home, and all though the resort's gift shop (since I had time, I decided to inspect it thoroughly, and left with some fun purchases) As soon as we got back to our room, she woke up! Luckily for me, her favourite show was on, and I  was able to get a 20 minute nap as well.

It's a good thing I got a nap, because Thomas and I had our anniversary dinner the next night! We ate at Chefs de France, and everything was amazingly delicious. Our server Tomas was wonderful, and we were able to have a nice walk around the world after dinner.

Thursday we were headed back to Magic Kingdom - which was celebrating it's 44th birthday! We got a little stuck on the monorail, but had fun people watching at Bay Lake towers while we were stopped.

After arriving at the park, we stopped for Lefu's Brew at Gaston's Tavern. Meggy pronounced it "A-licious!"

Rebecca met up with us! Rachel loved having her aunties there, and boy did they spoil her rotten! I think this was everyone's favourite day.

Lunch selfies with Pooh bear!

Eeyore was such a sweetheart, and gave me a shy kiss.

Piglet came over right as Meggy fell down and hurt her leg. (The same leg she had scraped up twice already that week) Piglet immediately helped her up into Daddy's arms, and gave her lots of hugs, kisses, and tickles. Pretty soon Meggy was saying "Plig-et is the best eber!" and as Piglet headed off to the next family "Bye Plig-et! I love you Plig-et!!"

Tigger saw that Thomas was wearing a birthday pin, and lead us all in a rousing version of 'Happy Birthday To You".

Of all the dresses I made Meggy, this one is my favourite. I think she liked it too.

Ages ago, Rachel promised Meggy that she would get her a Stitch at Disney. When Mom, Thomas and Rebecca went off to Space Mountain, Meggy Rachel and I went to get Meggy a Stitch. She knew exactly which one she wanted, and barely even gave him up so we could pay for him. He then went on the teacups with us.

Waiting in the very hot sun for the 3:00 Parade.

My very first EVER Mickey Mouse balloon. Thomas was the sweetest thing, and after I confessed the reason I wanted to get Meggy one, was because I had never got one as a kid, he went and bought one for Meggy and one for me. *swoon*

A very exhausted and spoiled little girl. The horse pillow was what Thomas and I said was going to be Meggy's big present from this trip... however between her two aunties, Meggy ended up with Stitch, Chip and Dale and Olaf.

I didn't get too many pictures from that evening (Which was the halloween party, and we all dressed up) but I DID get a picture of Meggy and myself on the flying carpets. It's just like Dumbo, and Meggy loved it. This was her 3rd time on this ride.

Sword fighting while waiting for the Boo To You Parade.

Meggy LOVED the parade! I have to admit, it was pretty darn cool. Mom picked Meggy up after the parade, so Thomas and I were able to enjoy the rest of the party just the two of us.

When we went to the food court, one of Meggy's favourite things to do was look at all the awesome artwork. This particular resort features artwork from Finding Nemo, Little Mermaid, Lion King and Cars, all of which Meggy loves.

Every day we were at the resort, Meggy asked for a picture on the cars. Sadly for her, when we passed them they were either too wet or too hot for her! Friday morning though, they were juuust right, and we got a picture with Flo.

Friday was a tough day for Meggy. She was tired, and ready to be back home. Also it was hot. Florida hot, which means it never goes below 85% humidity. So what did Meggy do? She found the fountains!

You can't tell from her position, but she's actually the one trying to pull Thomas into the water.

Meggy, Mom and I went back to the resort and took naps/quiet time while Rachel and Thomas ate their way around the world. That evening they came back so Mom and I could go and eat. We ended up getting caught in the rain and were TOTALLY soaked by the time we got to the bus stop! It was a lot of fun though, and I was glad to spend that time with her. We caught up with Rebecca at work afterwards, but That's for a different blog post.

Saturday morning we went to the Polynesian for breakfast! As we were waiting to be seated, Meggy and I explored the resort's main hall, and got to watch these people making leis.

It's STITCH! Meggy was totally star struck, and didn't know what to do with herself.

Our way home was supposed to be in one fell swoop Saturday afternoon/night. However, because of historic rain and flooding,we ended up staying the night in South Carolina. That morning I95 closed because of miles of water on the road, but we were able to find an alternate route to Charlottesville. We ended up arriving home 27 hours after we started what should have been a 14 hour trek.

The next post will include pictures that Mom took at Disney!


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