Happy July! I can't believe this month has snuck up on us already over hald of 2015 is now gone, and I'm wondering where the heck the time went! Thankfully I have pictures to remind me.
This past weekend was a fun celebration of our countries 239th birthday. We also celebrated the 15th birthday of Thomas's little sister. His parents are in Texas this week, so we got her for the weekend, before sending her off to camp this week. Her birthday is actually Monday (Happy birthday Tory!) but we had an early celebration.

We started out the weekend at Beema's house. She and Meggy had a nice time reading about bunnies, and then we all had a yummy dinner.

After dinner Meggy disappeared upstairs with the big girls. She came down a half hour later, looking like this. She had been dressed up in Aunty Ray's shirt, headband, and sonic screwdriver, with which she preceded to fix my phone.

Another thing that happened this weekend - Meggy's fancy new car seat came. She totally thought it was an armchair, and used it to watch Sheriff Callie.
Thomas took Victoria and Meggy out to Duck Donuts early Saturday morning for breakfast. It started raining as they came home, so we all cuddled in for a slow morning and movie.
Meggy totally thought she was a teenager when Aunt Tory let her use her earphones and sing along to the top 40.
After the rain stopped, and Meggy took a nice long nap, we FINALLY broke out the snazzy new stroller Nana and Papa gave us, and headed on over to the local high school.
We found a spot to put our stuff, then Meggy and Victoria went off in search of face painting. (I just realized that I didn't take any more pictures of Victoria! She was running all around, talking to people she knew, and taking Meggy from place to place)
Meggy really wasn't thrilled to be at the park. She kept wanting to go in the bouncy-castle - and then she didn't. That happened three times. Then she got a balloon and popped it. She got a second balloon... and popped that one as well. By the time we got in line for a funnel cake, Meggy was kind of done with everything.
See? Not having fun.
The funnel cake made things better for a little while.
Running around in the grass. Bare feet were a must.
I got a fuzzy naval from the Kona Ice truck. They have such yummy shaved ice concoctions - Thomas got strawberry coolada. Meggy enjoyed both of them as well.
Meggy enjoyed dancing to the patriotic music as we were waiting for the fireworks. I think the people around us were amused by her antics. She's pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
This year was the first time Meggy saw fireworks, as last year we were driving to Williamsburg. I wasn't sure how she would do with them, but I was so proud of her! For the first few minutes, Meggy buried her head in my lap, and kept saying "Mommy, loud, LOUD! Stop it Mommy!" Once she got used to them, she popped up, and kept running back and forth between Thomas and myself. When I lay down to look at them, she had to lie right next to me.
I was pretty impressed with our fireworks. They weren't Disney, or LA, but they were pretty. The funny part was that they must have missed a section... the finale was quite a bit earlier than the music ended, and about 40 seconds after it ended, we got another little burst of fireworks. Everyone hung around after the second burst, to see if there was more, but that was it. We slowly made our way home, and got back around 11pm. The next day we were all a little tired and grumpy, but we made it though the day. We brought Victoria a red velvet cake in the evening and had a little party. All in all, a fun weekend!
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