2014 in Review
1. What did you do in 2014 that you'd never done before?
Stay at a Disney resort, put down a pet, sell furniture, and sew a piece of clothing for someone to actually wear.
At least, they will wear it, eventually. It's the one Christmas present I haven't had a chance to give yet.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't like making resolutions just because it's a new year, HOWEVER; I have some specific goals for this year that I have been thinking about since October. January seemed like the best time to start eating cleaner, and starting an exercise regime because the holidays are behind us, and Thomas's crazy work schedule is going to be more normal now.
I don't like making resolutions just because it's a new year, HOWEVER; I have some specific goals for this year that I have been thinking about since October. January seemed like the best time to start eating cleaner, and starting an exercise regime because the holidays are behind us, and Thomas's crazy work schedule is going to be more normal now.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nobody close to me, however lots of mommy bloggers that I follow had babies. I suppose it's a natural consequence of following approximately 29136 mommy blogs.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
My best kitty friend sadly passed on this summer. It was my first pet to leave in that way, and I had such a hard time with it.
5. What countries did you visit?
Epcot again, but no real countries this year.
6. What would you like to have in 2015 that you lacked in 2014?
I honestly can't think of an answer to this question. Perhaps follow-through? Although to be fair, I didn't set many goals in 2014, so there was no need for it.
7. What date from 2014 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
I don't remember the exact day, but I remember exactly where I was when Thomas said "So, there's an opening in Ultrasound at Martha Jefferson Hosptial..."
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Being a single mom for a month+ when we were trying to figure out our living situation in September. I have to give major respect to actual single parents, because I was barely holding it together by myself - with only one kid!
And an annoying cat who should count as a kid.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Man, I felt as though there were a lot this year. As Meggy got mobile, and started repeating things I did and is now (ack!) talking, I feel as though I have failed as an example to her. I know I am my biggest critic, but I still wish I was a stronger, better example for her.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Everything was great until right before Christmas this year. Meggy and I got sinus infections, and Thomas came down with the flu, all at the same time. It was my first real sinus infection, and it was AWFUL. I was sick for 10ish days, which is the longest I've been sick since I was a teenager. Never again do I want to repeat that.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Man, I felt as though there were a lot this year. As Meggy got mobile, and started repeating things I did and is now (ack!) talking, I feel as though I have failed as an example to her. I know I am my biggest critic, but I still wish I was a stronger, better example for her.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Everything was great until right before Christmas this year. Meggy and I got sinus infections, and Thomas came down with the flu, all at the same time. It was my first real sinus infection, and it was AWFUL. I was sick for 10ish days, which is the longest I've been sick since I was a teenager. Never again do I want to repeat that.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
My smart phone. I use that thing SO much, and it's been such a help to have a camera, grocery lists, coupons and information at my fingertips.
12. Where did most of your money go?
Mortgage, rent, groceries and Thomas' student loan.
13. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Disney, of course. Thomas and I went by ourselves for 4 days in August. HE had seminars in the morning, but it was great because I got time for myself, and it was just a wonderful time to recharge. And spend time with my husband, of course.
Disney, of course. Thomas and I went by ourselves for 4 days in August. HE had seminars in the morning, but it was great because I got time for myself, and it was just a wonderful time to recharge. And spend time with my husband, of course.
14. What song will always remind you of 2013?
Shake It Off, by Taylor Swift. That is now Meggy's and my official dance song - Meggy will start dancing whenever she hears the opening strains of the song, even if we're in the grocery store! I love it.
15. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Voicing my opinion/speaking up for myself. The usual.
16. What do you wish you'd done less of?
17. How did you spend Christmas?
Thomas was on call this year, so we stayed at home. Meggy got the concept of presents this year, and had a blast opening them! She also loved giving presents to people, and watching/helping them open them. She has such a giving sprint - when Thomas's parents came over to exchange gifts, Meggy decided she would rather hand out presents to everyone, than play with the presents she had already opened.
18. 2014 word of the year:
Being emotional. Typical Sarah :)
Thomas was on call this year, so we stayed at home. Meggy got the concept of presents this year, and had a blast opening them! She also loved giving presents to people, and watching/helping them open them. She has such a giving sprint - when Thomas's parents came over to exchange gifts, Meggy decided she would rather hand out presents to everyone, than play with the presents she had already opened.
18. 2014 word of the year:
I think the word to best describe this year is Change. We did a lot of that.
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Thomas and I were introduced to Parks and Rec this year by friends and we watched all the seasons. We LOVE that show, probably even more than The Office (but not more than Friends) and are excited for the concluding 13 episodes that are ending the show this spring.
20. What was the best book you read?
Eh. This wasn't a big reading year for me. I probably read 60+ books (despite what my Goodreads profile says) which is a super-slow year for me. Hopefully now that we're in a better library system, and Meggy is (sort of not really) better about letting me read real books, this next year will be better.
21. What was your greatest musical discovery?
As I said before - Taylor Swift knocked it out of the park this year with her cd, 1989. We have also been listening to a LOT of Disney Junior music. I need to get a new couple of Disney Junior CDs, because I am absolutely sick of the two we have right now.
22. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 23, Mom and Rachel came down. We went to Barnes and Noble to go to an Author signing, then saw the movie Maleficent (eh) and finished off the day with sushi. I remember the weather was beautiful, and it was just a lovely day.
23. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I could have magically kept off the 15lbs that stuck on after I had Meggy. ;-)
24. What kept you sane?
Weirdly enough, I think this year it was social media. Instagram especially - I was able to see day-to-day happenings of peers, and other mamas of toddlers. It helped me realize that yes, it is TOTALLY ok to have a day where you never get out of pajamas, and all you eat is popcorn. On the flip side, I was able to find Mamas who inspired me to help Meggy learn, keep a good schedule, and actually get things done around the house. I also like looking back at posts and pictures, and looking at all the good things that have happened, especially on bad days.
25. What political issue stirred you the most?
Um, this year was crazy in many ways. There are so many scary and weird things that happened, but I think the thing that has the most impact on me, personally, is the way the government is trying to take over schools, and the way children learn. Common Core anyone?
26. What was the best movie you saw?
I have to admit, 2014 was not the best year for movies. Guardians of the Galaxy was good, but really was the only good movie this summer. I did really enjoy The Thousand Foot Journey, and Into the Woods. I wanted to see Big Hero 6, but never got the opportunity.
28. Who was the best new person you met?
We met a lot of new people at church - nobody has really stuck out yet. Hopefully we will get to know people better in the upcoming months.
29. A valuable life lesson you learned in 2014?
Letting things go. Whether that means forgiving myself when I don't do any laundry, or letting someone's snide comment slide. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I cannot do that when I'm worrying about every little thing.
Letting things go. Whether that means forgiving myself when I don't do any laundry, or letting someone's snide comment slide. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and I cannot do that when I'm worrying about every little thing.
30. Areas of growth/Areas of struggle:
-healthy eating
-being kind to myself and others
31. Pet Peeves:
Not re-filling the Brita pitcher, people who refuse to use their turning signal, and the fact that Disney Junior shows are so expensive on amazon.
Also eyebrows.
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