18 Months!
18 months, where did YOU come from?!
As usual, time is flying by and my little baby girl is no longer a baby... She's a full-blown toddler! Obviously this did not happen with my permission, but it's happened and there is no going back.
I'm not going to brag and say Meggy is terribly advanced for her age, or that she's ahead of all her peers. I WILL say that whenever we go out, people are surprised when I tell them she's only 18 months. They assume that she's 2, and I'm not completely sure that's a compliment because she is acting like she's a two year old. All of a sudden we have temper tantrums, denial, and she is totally testing out how firm Thomas and I will be with her. Example: two days ago Meggy did NOT want to eat lunch. She had a few bits, and then started whining to get down. I usually make her sit in her chair for another few minutes (during which she normally takes a few more bites, haha) before I tell her she doesn't get any more food, and it's naptime. Well, THIS time she did not want out of her high chair! She was literally throwing food on the floor, but when I tried to take her out of her chair, she clung on with all her might, and stayed sitting in it for 10 minutes. Meggy then slid off, and immediately turned around to try and get back up in the chair.
Thankfully, the good toddler traits are also appearing. Margaret has been so helpful with everything - at least, she's trying to be helpful, and that's what counts. On laundry day, she helps me drag out the laundry baskets, then hands me clothes to put in the washer. When I get them out of the dryer, I put hangers on the floor so she can hand those to me as I hang shirts. Meggy is also really good about throwing things away.... Sometimes a little too good! I found a $5 in the trash can last week, and she tried to put a sippie cup in there last night. However, her intentions are good, and she is so proud of herself when she does what I ask.
(Forgive my fake grin- this was proof that I could carry the cat, a freezer bag, my purse, the diaper bag, AND a baby at the same time)
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is still a favourite, and she knows all the songs by heart. That's GREAT for me, because I can sing "Clean up, pick up, put away" or "You can take a turn, and then I'll get it back", and she is able to follow instructions. We play the cd over and over and over, and we both have learned all the hand motions. The other thing Meggy LOVES is books!! We spend the majority of our afternoons reading books over and over and over. One of her favourite books is "Brown bear, what do you see?" Margaret can say the sounds of almost all the animals, except the cat. She persists in only signing the word for 'cat', and not meowing. I'm pretty sure she does it just to annoy me.
As a toddler, Meggy's eating habits are starting to get more picky, which makes me sad. She's still a good eater considering; she eats all fruit, and most veggies, so long as they aren't green. She still loves meat, fish and beef being her favorites. Yogurt is also still a favourite, as well as cheese. This kid loves dairy.
Meggy's words are coming out more and more! I'm not sure how many she has anymore, too many for me to count. Sounds are her favourite thing, but she'll say words if she has too. My favourite word is "bub-boww" for bubble. Her favourite word is "No." Go figure.
Since we've moved, Margaret is absolutely LOVING that she has grandparents and two Aunts at her disposal quite often. Of course it's quite handy for Thomas and myself! We are able to join the church choir, because Thomas's mom watches Meggy before church. I am actually going grocery shopping BY MYSELF today, because Rachel is being a doll and watching Meggy at our condo. It's a win/win/win situation. :)
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