California grill

Thursday morning, Thomas had an early start for his conference, so he was out the door at 6:30. He had breakfast, and went over to the Contemporary, where he spent his day until 5:30.

I had a lie-in until 9. Then I turned on some Disney TV, while contemplating room-service. There was nothing I wanted on the menu, so after I showered, I took a bus over to Downtown Disney.

Once there, I strolled through the marketplace, down to west end to the new Starbucks. I wasn't that impressed, however I'm not a huge Starbucks person. I'd just as soon drink a frapp from the one in my Target, as the reserve franchise in DTD. I got croissant and a vanilla bean frapp with toffee syrup and caramel drizzle. One of the baristas complimented me on my creativity, and hair. I told Thomas I wasn't sure if he was trying to flirt with me, or honestly thought I was creative with cool hair. Whatever the case, it helped me stay cheerful in the horrid Florida heat.

I am a browser when it comes to shopping, I don't like to commit right away. I go to DTD first thing in my Disney trips for this reason - I can mull it over, and think about things as I continue to look through shops during my trip. One of the new shops is the Disney makeup line. They actually have makeup artists there to show you samples of the makeup, and put it on you. The girl working there looked very bored, and I had wanted to try some Minnie mouse lipstick, so I let her give me a small makeover. I didn't love what she did to my eyes, but I really liked the lip color she chose for me, and got complimented me on it twice after I left the makeup chair.

Laila, the beautifully floral scent from Norway. 

One of my favourite displays in Once Upon a Toy - gotta love Precious Moments!!

I stopped at Ghirardelli for lunch, because why not? Mint, fudge and real whipped cream = amaaaazing!

I purchases a very few items and went to the resort. Thomas joined me after he got out, and we went over to The Grand Floridian.

Talk about class. I was transported when we stepped into the beautiful GF lobby. It was raining, and inside on the grand piano, there was a pianst in a tuxedo saying a medley of rain songs. After a while, a band showed up, and couples started dancing in the hall! I was too busy being in awe of everything to make Thomas dance with me. We saw a wedding, compete with a Minnie and Mickey in their wedding clothes! It was beautiful, and I can't wait to go to tea there someday.

We went back to the Poly, to change and take a quick peek around Boutikki, the gift shop. It did not disappoint. 

Our dinner for the night was at the very fancy California Grill on the 15th floor of the Contemporary. We arrived and were whisked away in the elevator. I had picked up an anniversary pin that morning, and wore it proudly. Nobody need know our anniversary isn't for another month - this trip was our present to each other!

We got put in one of the quieter rooms at the grill. Not as much atmosphere, but a LOT quieter, which we appreciated. Our server was a lovely older gentleman who, finding out we were from VA and it was our anniversary, said "I guess Virginia really is for lovers!"

I can't even tell you you about the food there. From the bread, to salad, to sushi, bison and creme brulé, I have never before had such wonderful food. With each bite of sushi I felt like Remy (from the Pixar film, Ratatouille) who sees different colors and hears different music in his head, for every bite of food he takes. The bread melted in our mouths, the tuna was like butter on my tongue. Thomas ordered bison,  and we were not disappointed. If you ever have the funds to do so, GO to the California Grill. You will never eat food the same.

The Grill has viewing platforms from which you can see Wishes, the fireworks show over Cinderella's castle. It was nice to be able to see them, especially since we didn't go to Magic Kingdom in this trip. It wasn't nearly as moving as it usually is for me, because Julie Andrews no longer narrates. Julie can bring me to tears wth just one word... Jimminy Cricket, not so much. (EDIT: I have been informed by my mother that Julie has not narrated in quite some time, longer than I remember. I believe that this is a shame, and they should bring her back asap)

Creme brulé for my dessert (compliments of The Grill, for our anniversary) and a blueberry/lemon cheesecake for Thomas.  All of it was fantastic.

We got back to The Poly around 11:20, and walked to the beach, where we found a swing in which to sit for a bit. It was lovely and relaxing, and we went back to the room about midnight, but not before making reservations for Kona for breakfast!


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